Quarantine Quotes

"I want you to come in HERE with the uke in La Bamba"
"Seriously, you guys are going to wash all the groceries? .......Vale."

"This is an example of a great job I did hanging the laundry" [zoom in on the sad looking sweatshirt]
"First things first, always have a bowl of chips on your lap while you learn how to play poker"

"I'm a really good cooker" (The cookies tasted like shit)

Violin lesson with his teacher Lorena. 

"You guys look nothing like each other" (Sarcastic comment from Pat ....we aren't supposed to go out for groceries with more than one person....but we took different routes and stood 5 meters apart from each other in the store and evaded the cops the whole time) 

Lasted us 2 days. 

The world according to Tio. 

Day 0 "This is the strangest day of my life" - Colette, discovering we were about to go on lockdown

Day 3  "All I'm asking you to do right now is to clean your goddamn room" - Me to Leo

Day 4 "I think I'm going to use this rock to scrape off the rest of my toenail polish" - Me to Colette

Day 15 "I was trying to take a fiesta, but Will was being too rough and I hurt my chin" - Leo to Me

Day 10 "Why are you wearing jeans?!?!?" Me to Colette (all of her sweatpants and leggings were dirty)

Day 12 " Wait. Should we be washing our groceries when they get into the house!??" Me to all (only Colette actually listening, see above pic for what transpired next)

Day 13 "Cual es tu dios favorito? Will to Pedro (talking about Greek mythology)
             "Es una diosa" Pedro to Will
             "Quien?" Will to Pedro
             "Colette." Pedro to Will

Day 16 "I feel arts and crafts is how we connect as a family" Will to all

Day 14 "I think this was the best day I ever had"- Leo to Me (he did art with the family and learned how to fry an egg, also literally the only person in the entire world to utter this sentence on day 14 of a country-wide lockdown)

Day 5 "I'm going to miss these days" Colette to me after an especially beautiful terrace sunset/yoga sesh

Day 17 " I have gas ...... again."- Pat to me (after imbibing yet another bean-focused meal)

Please leave your favorite quarantine quotes in the comment section!


Molly Graber said…
I FEEL these quotes. So many tough times, but some beauty and fun here and there and in between. I really wish we were together, but am happy you guys are with tia and tio. Sending lots of love and muchos besos!
Anonymous said…
I am so glad to back here. Ahhh, lost track of the blog and man, I think your take on this will get us all through. Thank goodness for that blue sky view and buddies to be shut in with.

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