Lock-In Day 2: Escuela de las Cuevas

 Good lord in heaven. My husband. My siblings. Almost all of my friends. I'm surrounded by you guys at all times, but still. I need to take the time to say: I love you. I love you, teachers. I love you so hard. And I can't wait til my kids can be back in your care at some point in the near-ish future.

We set up the schedule. We front-loaded. We dangled so many positive reinforcements. We had a total of 1.5 hours per kid of skype-tutoring per kid. We had alcohol. And yet, we felt like this was the longest day of our lives. And we have at least 15 more--most likely 30--more days ahead of us.

Desk Prepped. The calm before the storm.

Set up their desks and their schedules last night. Started off with yoga and a community circle. Leo said his preferred language was French and Will stated his feeling in the moment was "tired and excited.....but mostly tired"

Yoga for centering and calm first thing in the morning.

He's adorable. But good god. Like a rabbit. Low frustration tolerance and just wants to party at all times-- I mean, I get it man, but cut me some slack, please. 
Blaring trombone practice. 
Losing patience with each other. 

Quick parkour break for the whole family. 
Family jam sesh.....amazing in theory .... and, yet.......

Colette teaches an art class where the focus is exploring color. Leo has eaten all the paint or used it all up on his paper by the time she is finished stating her 2nd objective for the class. 
Everyone sleeping soundly now. Dreaming of sweet sweet homeschooling dreams for tomorrow. More info on living in lockdown mode in a different country coming soon! In the meantime, loving everyone so hard. We are here - 6-8 hours ahead-- if anyone is feeling a FaceTime chat!


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